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About Me

Hi! I'm Grace, a young, female entrepenure with a genuine passion for educating people on all things metaphysical and helping people get the resources they need for their practice. I started in April 2021 after my disabilities caused me to lose my job. Since then, I've set up at in-person events and sold online. I've been researching different cultures and practices for about 9 years, and have really focused on my own practice over the past 4 years.


If you or the person receiving this have any allergies to anything used (ex. incense, herbs, glue), please contact us before ordering. You may contact us via Instagram, FaceBook, email, or the chat or contact features on this site.


Crystals and spells are sold as curiosities only.

Any and all animal products (bones, reptile shed, etc.) are as ethically sourced as possible, and no animals are harmed to make these products.

Our products are not for medical use and we do not claim that they replace medical treatment.

We do not guarantee the results in spellwork and magic.

By purchasing these items, you guarantee that you have read this disclaimer and understand the use of these items.